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In addition to graduates of the university, non-graduating alumni now have the opportunity to be considered alumni. This is a national trend. Students who have passed 24 credit hours and the catalog year for their graduation has passed may receive alumni benefits. Program Brief overview of department/area The Office of Alumni Relations is a division of University Advancement and bears the job description of Constituent Relations (constituents consist of the masses of alumni since the inception of the university who have graduated from the institution and non-graduating alumni who have passed 24 credit hours while taking coursework at the university as well as friends of the university, both corporate and individual). The Office of Alumni Relations establishes positive links with the University including Career Planning and Development (fostering job placement for students and life-long career networking for UNA Alumni), Admissions and Recruitment (sponsorship with receptions and fund-raising for scholarships), departmental support (raising targeted dollars for use by departments), University Communications (forging positive public relations through media and print). Mission statement for the department/area: Reference its relationship to institutional mission, as well as state priorities where appropriate The purpose of the University of 鶹 Alabama Alumni Office/Association is to help and offer complete support to the University, alumni, and students (past, current and prospective) through supporting the mission statement of the University. We accomplish this objective through the following ways: Identifying, recognizing and honoring deserving alumni Attending university events Recruiting students Creating, building and developing alumni chapters Establishing and funding scholarships and gifts to UNA Promoting the university Honoring, growing, and celebrating UNA Helping students and graduates find internships, mentoring programs, and ultimately employment, Goals and objectives of the department/area, and assessment of department/area performance The Office of Alumni Relations fosters and strengthens the relationship between UNA and its alumni and friends, reaching out to alumni in their communities, with home visits as well as during on-campus receptions and reunions. We recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of UNA Alumni who have distinguished themselves professionally through philanthropic expression or significant accomplishments in their profession. We ensure appropriate information is collected from and about all of these participants and entered accurately into the donor/donor prospect database. Additionally we honor these alumni during homecoming with awards including Alumni of the Year, Military Service, Community Service, Political Service, Educational Service, Faculty/Staff Service. These individuals are featured in a subsequent UNA Magazine. With every endeavor we preserve and promote the University's traditions, purposes, growth and development; keeping alive the spirit of affection, respect and gratitude for our alma mater. UNA Magazine / three times per year Alumni e-letter /Monthly to all addressable alumni WebSite / on UNA front page with pertinent information about chapters and upcoming events Facebook presence OnLion Community / alumni networking Alumni Chapters Governance structure of the department/area The Office of Alumni Relations as a division of University Advancement has direct report to the Vice 鶹 of University Advancement. The office is funded by the University budget; however, it is supplemented with funds from the UNA Foundation and the UNA Alumni Association. The primary role of the alumni office is one of constituent relations. The Alumni Relations director is a member of the fundraising team of Advancement. Additionally, the role of University liaison and operations manager for the UNA Alumni Association (including the increasing number of local and departmental alumni chapters) falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Alumni Relations. As director of Alumni Relations, the role of editor of the UNA Magazine for alumni and friends of the University has traditionally fallen into the job description. Department/Area Evaluation Describe briefly the means of assessment, and recent improvements based on the results of such assessment. Means of assessing outcomes should be based on standard assessment measures within the department/area A measure of assessment is keeping up with all students with correct updated contact information while documenting their institutional interests, extracurricular activities, and student honors and organizations. This information is input electronically from the university, student graduation records, and individual contact. After graduation, we endeavor to glean all business information on all alumni-of-record in order to remain connected to them individually and within their peer groups. As our numbers increase so should the accuracy of the information in the database. The advancement area has increased in numbers of researchers who are actively inputting and double checking this information on individuals. This data aids in making successful alumni chapters and in prospecting for donors for University assessment needs. As our alumni of record numbers and our mailing and telephone numbers and email addresses increase, we know that we are reaching our goals. We are increasing in numbers every time we mail or visit alumni. Describe briefly the department/areas continuous improvement plan utilized to assess and improve the department/area on an on-going basis. Summarize improvements made as a result of the continuous improvement plan The real numbers of addressable alumni in our database is proof positive of the success of our search and find for our constituents. An increase in electronic addresses, Facebook friends, Website presence, and OnLion Community members transfers real updated and current information for reaching out to our constituents. ALUMNI BY STATEALUMNI BY COUNTRYAlumniNon Graduate - Attended UNATotalPreferred CountryTotalPreferred StateValid AddressLast Known AddValid AddressLast Known AddAustralia2No State listed29802980Azerbaijan1AA11Bahamas1AE10414Bangladesh1Alabama174616731186524383Brazil1Alaska13417Bulgaria2AP134Canada18Arizona473077Chile2Arkansas8231113China94California11676192England2Colorado442973Germany5Connecticut11314Hong Kong25Delaware639India50District of Columbia8715Indonesia2Florida568171211761Israel1Georgia69428714995Italy1Hawaii8715Jamaica1Idaho9615Japan26Illinois75421118Jordan1Indiana5918178Korea2Iowa16824Lebanon1Kansas341347Malaysia4Kentucky127351163Mexico1Louisiana10034134Nepal3Maine325Netherlands2Maryland6314178Nigeria4Massachusetts9110Peru2Michigan4717165Philippines1Minnesota1512128Russian Federation1Mississippi118254321727Singapore1Missouri76251102Spain1Montana7310Sweden7Nebraska527Switzerland1Nevada13518Taiwan189New Hampshire123Thailand2New Jersey311546Trinidad1New Mexico141731Turkey70New York552883United Kingdom1鶹 Carolina18065245Grand Total530鶹 Dakota415Ohio81211103Oklahoma3818157Ontario22Oregon13821Pennsylvania481361Rhode Island224South Carolina101351137South Dakota213Tennessee2712951253688Texas3001385443Utah17219Vermont22Virgin Islands22Virginia167422211Washington3113246West Virginia10414Wisconsin1016127Wyoming415Total2473212544268637550 Provide a brief analysis of those areas in need of improvement and delineate an action plan for improvement in these areas Even though the entire Advancement Staff is constantly searching for updated and changed information on alumni and friends, the task is insurmountable and constant. In this generation of wireless communication with disconnected and obsolete contact information, we must move to a generation of alumni and friends who strive to keep up with us. We must find a means in which alumni are driven to supply us with information. Because this generation of alumni lives in a widely diverse age, it is still necessary that we speak to print and electronic communication alike. Facilities and Resources Address the adequacy of resources and support services to address the goals and objectives of the department/area. Space The Office of Alumni Relations underwent a complete restoration in 2008 when Rogers Hall was restored and the building officially became Rogers Hall Alumni House. The main floor alumni office space doubled in size and houses space for the director, administrative assistant and two student workers. The generous suite of offices is large enough and accommodating. It also serves as a work space for visiting alumni. It is adjacent to a large board room on the sun porch and with special permission the parlor and the grounds are used for after-hours alumni committee meetings and UNA Alumni Association seminars, lunches, and reunions. The transformed 1855 Greek Revival Home is a beautiful addition to campus and to the community. The home is generally available, with advanced permission, to visiting groups of alumni and friends for receptions and dinner parties. Equipment Because of the recent renovation, all furnishing in Rogers Hall are new and top-of-the-line. We are also fortunate to have the latest in technology. Computers, telecommunication, and copy and printing equipment are current. Support personnel The alumni director, senior administrative secretary and student worker (one currently) are funded from the University budget. The UNA Alumni Association strategic plans call for a rotation plan for annual chapter visits, cultivating and developing a knowledgeable Alumni Association board with a trained core of officers and members, expansion and enhancement of alumni sponsored and co-sponsored events and the allocation of resources to identify all alumni and to reach them more frequently with clear, concise, cogent communication. We have moved forward with the planned initiative to create website updates, add local chapter portals, and interactive contact information. We have tasked ourselves with increasing current email addresses for alumni by 30% each year and have explored and contracted with new UNA Alumni Association affinity programs. Additionally, we have a goal of increasing individual alumni membership contributions by 10% per year. We have recently examined the feasibility of alumni donation or dues. After considerable discussion we determined the Alumni Pride Program best fits our needs. The donation is entirely tax deductable and gives designated privileges to each member who makes the annual gift to the university. We have made it a priority to solicit alumni by chapter each year in order to build scholarship funds for geographical and/or departmental areas. All of these plans are a time consuming process and our needs are not being met with warp speed that this generation expects. We should hire an assistant director, Webmaster and/or student interns to assist with expanding the alumni relations website and working with electronic communications and meeting the expectations that we have set for ourselves. Achievements Department/Area achievements Currently, UNA Alumni Chapters are located in many locations. Chapters are working hand-in-hand with the University on various projects. UNA Alumni are encouraged to join one of these local chapters and participate in their meetings, special events, scholarship fundraising, and projects. Participating in UNA Alumni Chapters is a heart-felt way to interact with old friends, make new acquaintances and enjoy the fellowship and company with those who have UNA in common. A self-imposed success is the number of new and self-managed and efficient alumni chapters. In the past five years we have establish more and more alumni chapters The numbers of alumni chapters has grown to serve the following areas:  Staff achievements As a founding and active member of the state of Alabamas Higher Education Partnerships Alumni Leaders Advocacy Network, I attend the STARS convention during the summer and worked with the cookbook committee to plan a project designed to help underwrite the costs of the partnership. Additionally, I presented a plaque to Alabama Power to recognize their outstanding leadership in the State of Alabama at the Alumni Task Force banquet on the evening before Higher Education Day in Montgomery. Grants and other funds generated by department/area Alumni Pride Giving Program (310 members) started 2008 $ 32,568 Fine Arts Festival $ 32,833 (Literary Arts/ TS Stribling/Books A Million for English Department) Jack Karnes Endowment for fifth year Athletes $ 59,181 Betty Mullins Festival of Trees Endowment $ 46,848 Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship $163,845 (Elizabeth Gaines Mann Scholarship) Birmingham Endowed Scholarship $ 8,051 Huntsville/Madison County CIS Endowed Scholarship $ 25,485 Limestone County Endowed Scholarship $ 1,244 Montgomery Area Endowed Scholarship $ 3,851 Other awards and distinctions NA Responses to Previous Review Recommendations Itemize each major recommendation and state the response Strengthen and revitalize existing alumni chapters and develop new chapters including departmental and international. IN PROCESS Cultivate and develop a knowledgeable UNAAA Board with a trained core of officers and members. BOARD DEVELOPMENT IS AT A HIGH POINT Expand and enhance alumni sponsored and co-sponsored events IN PROCESS Offer diversified activities for participation and recognition of alumni IN PROCESS Add annual special project events (for scholarship purposes) CURRENTLY MANAGING FOUR EVENTS-(Jack Karnes Golf Tournament, Betty Johnson Mullins Festival of Trees, Alumni Legacy scholarship, Fine Arts Festival special event for Department, Scholarship Dinner for Montgomery& Birmingham& and Huntsville) IN PROCESS Allocate resources to identify all alumni and to reach them more frequently with clear, concise, cogent communication %DEVELOPMENT OF LIONS PRIDE E-LETTER %Publication of three UNA Magazines a year % On-Lion Alumni COMMUNITY IN PROCESS Improve media relationships WORKING ON Pursue the establishment of a UNA AA endowment/ Alumni Giving DONE Explore new UNA NAA affinity programs INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIES AND TRAVEL PROGRAMS IN PROCESS Establish an annual budget WORKING WITHIN UNIVERSITY AND ASSOCIATION BUDGET DONE Increase individual alumni membership contributions by 10% per year IN PROCESS Seek corporate alumni connections/matching funds WORKING ON Provide support for fundraising events of the University WORKING ON Summer Theatre, Shoals Concert, Bowden Express to help market events with departments Summarize how previous review results have been used to inform any of the following that apply: The refinement of mission and goals/ objectives; planning, development and improvement; and budgeting decisions The University now has a webmaster. We now have an OnLion Alumni Community Network. UNA Magazine is now mailed published three times per year where it was once yearly. Alumni are increasingly engaged Vision and Plans for the Future of the area Provide a vision statement of where the department/area would like to be in five years; assuming only costs to continue, with no additional state resources Addition of staff members to the Office of Alumni Relations will help support: this regional, state-assisted institution of higher education, the University of 鶹 Alabama pursues its Mission of engaging in teaching, research, and service in order to provide educational opportunities for students, an environment for discovery and creative accomplishment, and a variety of outreach activities meeting the professional, civic, social, cultural, and economic development needs of our region in the context of a global community. As the Alumni Director increases fundraising responsibilities that could financially support the addition of staff and programs, the effort will increase support to the mission of the University internally and community wide. Provide a vision statement of where the department/area would like the program to be in five years, if additional state resources are available Like colleagues in other alumni areas statewide who are hosting interesting/informative university-related events, recruiting students to campus, and raising funds for local chapter scholarships, we aspire to be the best alumni office among regional universities. Chapter activities that range from pregame pep rallies to dinner receptions for UNA officials, we want to be a leader. To recruit students to the University, local chapters host programs to recognize outstanding academic achievement, communicate with potential students and provide scholarships to recipients, and attend local college nights as University representatives. We need additional staff support to stay abreast of best practices. We would like for the faces of our alumni to be used to spread the message of the institution on Television and on new technology. All of this takes additional resources. Unit Recommendations Identify recommendations for improvement of the department/area Recommendations for changes, which are within the control of the department/area, if appropriate In order to take advantage of the many volunteer supporters of the University, we will disseminate a blueprint for chapter management and host an Alumni Summit on a regular basis to train these volunteers. The growing number of re-connected alumni and the increased number of alumni chapter needs to be serviced more regularly in order to meet the needs of the Universities Mission. Recommendations for changes that require action at the Vice 鶹, Provost, or higher levels. Because of increasing responsibilities to the Advancement area in the fundraising arena and the expansion of alumni chapters and activities, I think that it is in the best interest to change the delegation of UNA Magazine Editor to the office of University Communications. It is with hesitation that I make this request because of the importance of the UNA Magazine as an alumni communications piece. The readership of 28,000 alumni and friends should be considered in the content and continuity of the publication. Additionally, servicing the needs of alumni and friends both locally and in remote areas will necessarily require an assistant to the Alumni Relations Director.       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